Letter To False Theory

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Dear Bob, so I've been realizing many things have been changing with the community around the church. Many are starting to believe that some of the church's teachings are FALSE and wrong. Many are starting to believe theories that are completely FALSE. I'm afraid that we will lose many followers to these simple FALSE theories. Dear Luis, I understand where you're coming from. I've started seeing less followers come to church because of this. I believe we need to prove to our followers that these theories are FALSE and whoever is making them should pay for causing such confusion. What are some theories that you have heard so far? Dear Bob, one theory that I've heard is everything revolves around the sun not the earth. That is false as you can see when you look up into the sky you can see everything is revolving around the earth. I don't understand where they could even gather such information. …show more content…

I've heard that he has nailed his 95 thesis to the church's door. Also I heard he's gathering many followers. Which will weaken our power which isn't great for us. Dear Bob, yes I've heard of him. He needs to be stopped before he causes to much confusion and causes us to lose to many followers. Martin Luther didn't consider the papacy had the authority to interpret scripture. This initiated his ultimate excommunication from the Church. I believe that could be the reason for his maybe his side of reasoning. Dear Luis, I heard that the pope had had enough and issued an ultimatum threatening Martin Luther with excommunication. I also heard Martin Luther publicly burned the letter. While at the Wartburg castle, Luther works on a translation of the Bible into German and publishes his New Testament translation. This has caused him to gain more followers and us to lose

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