Letter To A College Athlete

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I apologize that it has taken me so long to write this letter, my “to do” list just is longer than the day and I have neglected this item for way too long. Therefore, you now get a lengthy letter.
I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your commitment to our athletic program. Thanks in part to your efforts, Morton enjoyed a very successful fall sports season this year. In addition, your efforts left us headed in the right direction with real reason to look to the future. We are working to improve every facet of our district and athletics is not immune. I think it is safe to say that no one understands the value of athletics in education more than me as it was the only thing to get me through my educational experiences as a child, and arguably the attributes and skill sets that I learned in athletics have gotten me through life. …show more content…

Involvement in sports cultivates traits that help you to succeed, but also to cope with failure. The real value of athletics is not in the ends, but in the means. We need coaches like you to encourage our students to work hard not in the desperate hope that they may one day turn pro, but due to the values, habits, and life-lessons that are endemic in athletics. Sports teach teamwork, dedication, and a work ethic. It is no great revelation that participation in athletics is an obvious asset in real life. The concept of teamwork often develops a bond among teammates that is virtually unrivalled outside of soldiers in wartime. All sports, whether team or individual, require goals to be set and diligent dedication to achieving them. Good coaching helps them achieve it in our athletic program. This admirable consequence of athletics can be applied to all facets of real

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