Let America Be America Again By Langston Hughes

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Issues of Injustice and Inequality in ‘Let America Be America Again’ This paper examined the ideas inequality and injustice in the poem ‘Let America Be America Again’ by Langston Hughes. In the poem, Hughes expresses his dissatisfaction with the social and economic inequalities that were commonplace in the American society. ‘Let America be America Again’ gives voice to the disenfranchised portion of the American citizenry who are frustrated by the structural greed and economic injustices perpetrated by the powerful members of the American society. This poem places the issue of social injustice at the center of discussion. Personally, I can relate with the idea of social injustice because I have observed and experienced the issues of discrimination and inequality in today’s American society today. Thus, Hughes expresses his frustrations with inequality in American in the same manner as expressed by frustrated Americans today. The first line of the poem “Let American Be America again” (Line 01) corresponds to the current version in President Trump’s campaign “Make America great again.” Throughout the poem, Hughes addresses the issue of social injustice that permeates through all American communities including the Whites, …show more content…

Majority of the nation’s workforce receive the minimum hourly wages while the large corporations continue to optimize their profits and enriching the already-wealthy ‘tyrants’. Hughes expresses the frustration of the low-income workers in America saying “I am the man who never got ahead. The poorest worker bartered through the years” (Lines 37-38). In this context, the idea of social injustice and inequality is as pronounced in Hughes’ poem as it is in today’s

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