Leon Festinger's Cognitive Dissonance Theory

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The theory of cognitive dissonance has been developed by the psychologist Leon Festinger and according to his analysis, “every human has a tendency to strive for consistency between and among cognitions”. In psychology, cognitive dissonance is defined as a situation of conflicts in attitudes, beliefs and behavior. Those situations with conflicts lead to a state of tension or discomfort, that is when we talk about dissonance. When people are aware about their behaviors and attitudes we talk about cognitions .In addition to that, let’s define the other component of the theory which is the word dissonance. In fact , Dissonance is known as an uncomfortable state of psychological and psychological tension. Leon Festinger has illustrated the dissonance as the reaction one has when someone breaks something belonging to someone else. When a person is experiencing dissonance, they are three ways to restore consonance. The first one is to reduce the importance of the conflicting cognitions. The second one is to add numerous …show more content…

The first step was to first to identify to conflict to know the root of it and think about solutions. It is important to recognize that sometimes we have reactions that are completely the opposite of our beliefs. After recognizing it, it is obvious that a we will have a feeling of dissonance and it will affect us but in the right way by motivating us to overcome and resolve this dissonance. The third and last step refers to thinking about changing those beliefs, changing the actions or change the perception of the action to get rid of this feeling of dissonance. Sometimes , in order to test the theory, we met and tried some experiences we have found on the internet. For example talking about death penalty and pushing the ones against it to say that they accept it. Once it happened, we automatically go through the steps stated above

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