Legal Issues In Radiographers Essay

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Many Radiographers all around the world create reports that contribute to the clinical imaging services. These reports have been used in practice for many years, not only within radiology but with other occupations as well. According to Kelly (2017), Radiographers do not require the ‘permission’ of any other professionals to undertake roles in image interpretation and clinical reporting, but are responsible and accountable for their practice and should take every opportunity to maintain and develop their knowledge, skills and competence. Failure to report certain things can become an illegal issue and cause defamation. Legal Issues An important aspect of Radiographers reporting is that before you make a report be sure you are legally covered …show more content…

It’s necessary for them to see if the information is correct before they send it off. The Society of Radiographers (2017), “recognizes two types of reporting; clinical reporting and initial commenting”. Clinical reporting describes Professionals who have been through accredited training that allows them to make a diagnostic report. A MANDATORY REPORTING 3 diagnostic report is the set of information that is typically provided by a diagnostic service when investigations are complete. Initial commenting is used for situations in which radiographers assess image appearances and make a judgement based on their interpretation. The value of the report, “should meet agreed ‘gold standards’, irrespective of the professional background of the reporting practitioner (SCoR, 2017). Radiologist reports must include patients full name, DOB, medical record number, exam that was performed, comments about poor image quality, normal and suspicious findings. Radiologist will often record themselves speaking the report then typed by an outside source then reviewed and signed by the doctor and sent to the patient’s physician who requested the examination. These reports become part of the patient’s medical record

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