Effective Feeding Techniques for Picky Children

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Hi, I wanted to write you both a letter to go over a few things so that you both know what to expect a little more. I know some of it is common sense, but I just wanted to write it all out to give everyone a bit more peace of mind.
Our boys can be a bit picky when it comes to food. Encourage them to eat healthy and to eat what they are given. If they don't eat what is given, they go hungry for the time being. If they refuse their food all day, do not let them go to bed hungry. They absolutely need to eat something before going to bed, period. Some ideas for sure-bets as far as food goes are as follows: They both love grilled cheese, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (they usually want them cut in half, diagonally), pancakes, waffles, bananas, …show more content…

If they are leaving the house, they need to clean up before going out. Please use a washrag to wipe off their hands, or help them wash their hands. I don't want them to look like feral heathen kids. Encourage them to clean up after themselves, help out, and get involved. They love attention and love feeling needed or like they have helped. You will need to clean their glasses for them often. They are expected to treat others with respect, including one another. If there are any pets around, please remind them to be careful around them. If any pets are aggressive towards our boys, our boys should be told to leave the pet(s) alone, or the pet(s) should be put away in a separate room. Our boys are not allowed to fight (hitting, kicking). If either engages this behavior, it is an automatic time out. When eating a meal, they should be sitting at a table (not necessarily snacking). Judah and Isaac can especially be a handful in public. You will need to hold their hand or put them in a shopping cart while out and about. We are working on helping them to realize they can't always have their way. Regardless of it all, they are children, they will be kids, and that's okay! It's also okay for them to cry, but it is not okay for them throw a temper-tantrum. I do not want our boys growing up to be brats. …show more content…

Please also remind others. They are only allowed to watch shows or movies or play / watch games that are child oriented or rated G. Judah can sometimes watch PG. They are absolutely not allowed to watch anything with violence or swearing. It is important to monitor anything they watch on YouTube because things often seem to be kid-friendly and aren't. The word they know for penis is “pee-pee”, vagina is “wee-wee”, breasts are “boobies”. I don't mind if they say butt or crap, but no actual swear words. Please don't listen to music with swearing or inappropriate themes in their presence.
Hannah, please love and care for our children as your own. Feel free to say “I love you” and give them hugs and kisses. It is my opinion that caring for children comes more natural to women, so don't be afraid to step in and help and offer Seth womenly input, advise. I will want to meet you in person to look you in the eye before turning over my children to your care, and I hope you both understand that and don't have any issues with the idea. I hope you and Seth can help each other to be happy, and I wish you the best.
Seth, you need to stay with our boys at all times. I would love if Rant was informed that our boys are visiting. I would love for her to see them in addition to your

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