Leaving High School-Personal Narrative

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Now that it's over, high school seems surreal. As if it was a four year dream that I didn't wake up from until last Friday night. When I awoke from this prolonged, and strange dream I was standing on a stage in front of hundreds of proud parents, encouraging family, and enthusiastic friends. Looking out over this sea of people, I realized that everything I had spent my last four years of high school building was done with. No more daily classes, no more friendly faces in the hallways. I knew all too well that I was on my own for the first time.

Leaving high school, I left behind all my teachers who pushed e to live up to my potential, all my acquaintances who I had befriended with ease, and even the strangers who I've never really exchanged more than a few passing words. They're still there of course. Never too far away, never quite out of reach. But also, never the same. I can go back and talk to everyone who I would normally on a everyday basis only a week ago, but I'll be wearing a little green visitors pass. And the longer I've been away the less reaction those visits will provoke. Perhaps the curiosity will remain. Where have I been? What have I been doing? Are things going well for me? But I will no longer be a part of a community that I spent the last …show more content…

Leaving each other, and the life we had known for so long now. Ready to part our separate ways, wishing people only the best of luck. I looked at the faces of these people who I had known for what seemed like forever. And it almost seemed as if I was seeing them in a new light. I looked at the girl with tears streaming down her face, clutching the hand of a close friend. I looked again and saw a boy who I had been close to for a period of time throughout my high school career, and smiled as I saw the look of victory firmly panted on his face. Looking at them as a whole, we looked as though we belonged together. All the shared memories, fights, and similar hardships we had

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