Leadership 1

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“Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things” Peter Drucker
The quote above reflects two prominent words; things and right. The interesting thing about the two words in the quote is the arrangement of the two words for the first part have been interchanged to create another unique sentence with the same two words in the second statement. This arrangement gives the two statements two distinct but linked meanings, and this paper seeks to give more meaning to the two parts of the quote through the concepts of ‘Knowing Yourself’, Understanding Others’, ‘Leading with Integrity and Moral Purpose’ and ‘Pragmatic Leadership’.
“The definition of management is equated to a routine compliance with standardized, impersonal expectations. In management, the use of authority is prevalent, and there is much reliance on coercion and punishment to enforce rules and ensure the compliance of subordinates” (Rost, 1998). Management is an act as well as a skill, and is a term used to describe running of a business, a department of a company. As the definition by Rost says, there is a relatively large amount of imposed authority as compared to leadership. Leadership on the other hand is defined as “a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others, towards the achievement of a goal” (Kruse, 2013).
Management is doing things right –
“Good morning people! It’s Monday morning! Back to work! The weekend is over!” my boss barked as she walked in this morning. Our office is constantly filled with the roars of our boss as she shouts us to order. It is sometimes unimaginable that a woman could be that fierce. But we knew that beneath that facade, was an attitude for greatness and perfection.
Management basica...

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Han, F. K. (1998). Lee Kwan Yew, The Man and His Ideas. Singapore Press Holdings.
Kruse, K. (2013, September 4). What is Leadership? Retrieved April 21, 2014, from Forbes: http://www.forbes.com/sites/kevinkruse/2013/04/09/what-is-leadership/
Rost, J. C. (1998). Leadership and management. In G. Robinson (Ed.), Leading organizations: perspectives for a. new era (pp.97-113). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
Suggs, D. (2007). Leading with Integrity. Retrieved from SaltWater Music: http://saltwatermusic.com/Articles/leadwithintegrity.htm

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