Leaders In Lord Of The Flies

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The world needs leaders because leaders instal structure. There are qualities that make a person a good leader. In the Lord of the Flies by William Golding, one of the main characters steps up to be the chief of the group of kids that he crash landed with on a deserted island. He is handed the responsibility of keeping these children alive and trying to get on the island. A leader is someone who ensures structure and someone others look up to. Leaders must show initiative, authority, and must be persistent.
If a leader is persistent people are more likely to follow him and listen to what he says. Throughout the entire book Ralph is set on getting off the island by starting a fire. During chapter nine, Ralph goes up to Jack’s tribe to try and ask them to help with the fire. Jack refuses to even care about what Ralph was saying and …show more content…

It is a good quality for leaders to have because a leader can say to do something but without authority no one is going to listen to them or put the words into action for that matter. Simon is one of the main characters and in chapter five when there was an assembly about the beast he speaks up about it. He suggests that maybe the beast is not something that they can see but something inside of them. Simon had no authority over any of the children. If he had authority we would not have died because no one bothered to listen to him about the beast.The other bigger leaders had authority and were able to get people to follow them and think like they think. Authority gives leaders power to help solve problems and avoid future ones.
Lord of the Flies by William Golding is a novel about a group of schoolboys crash landing on an uninhabited island. One of the boys must step up to become the leader, Ralph was voted to be chief because he has shown the boys qualities that should be found in a leader. A leader should be persistent, have initiative, and show

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