Leaders In Lord Of The Flies

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Lord of the Flies Essay

The greatest leaders are made from the results of crisis. Within the award winning novel The Lord of the Flies written by William Golding, two apparent leaders emerge from the very beginning of the novel. After a crash landing that sends a group of young school boys on a deserted island, quickly the young children begin looking for a leader to establish an order on the island. While the main character of the story, Ralph, takes control over the boys at the beginning, an apparent tension between another character with leadership characteristics is present. After several disagreements, Jack, the second established leader within the novel, separates from the group, bringing the majority of the boys along with him. Through …show more content…

Jack’s ability to influence the boys into doing the things that he wants them to do is the main reason why jack is a better leader than ralph. The greatest leaders in history, Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr, all,have the same common leadership characteristic, Their ability to captivate and influence their people. Jack was able to not only influence people with his physical stature, but with his actions and beliefs as well. One cannot deny the influence that jack has over the boys, by the end of the novel, each boy on the island has joined Jack’s tribe. An important quote from jack came from chapter nine, “ I gave you food,” said Jack, “and my hunters will protect you from the beast. Who will join my tribe?” ‘Who’ll join my tribe and have fun?”’(Golding, pg.166). Jack gives an offer that many of the boys cannot refuse. To Jack, the island is a paradise of fun and freedom. He meets the needs for his people when they need them, and allow them to have fun on the island. Another display of Jack's influence was his ability to lead his people to hunt. At the beginning of the book, Jack and his choir boys were the only ones who hunted. After successfully hunting a pig and providing meat for the boys on the island, many other boys began feeling the need to hunt and follow Jack’s lead. It is undeniable that Jack was the most influential leader figure within the

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