Lawn Mower Research Paper

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This is a totally true essay about lawn mowers. The lawnmower is the msott advanded peice of technology we have in our cuurent tim and day. The lawn mower came after the automobil and the micowave. If you dont believe me, i have trusted sources liek, and So u kno this is legitimat. I DIDNT MAK DIS UP. Every so often it does a bit of good to put up a lighthearted post. Today, we’re going to talk about some of the fun facts about lawns, lawn mowers, and the folks that love having a nice lawn. So use these facts for a bit of a laugh, or as facts to impress your friends, or who knows, maybe they’ll even come in handy next time you’re on Jeopardy.
1. The first lawn mower was invented by and Englishman, Edwin Beard Budding. Patented in 1830, Budding got the original idea from watching a cutting cylinder at a local cloth mill. While patented, it took almost 10 more years for an effective machine to be put into action. …show more content…

The average American spends, on average, 4 hours per week taking care of their lawn. That adds up to an average of 208 hours per year, or over 8 days. All the better of a reason to find more efficient ways to take care of your lawn –
3. Powered lawn mowers cause 68,000 injuries every year – probably the least fun of the fun facts, but an important one to remember any time you’re around a lawn

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