Essay About Community Service

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What does community service mean to you? What experiences, if any, have you had that have shaped your definition of service? Community service means to me “service before self”. This phrase has been engraved in my heart since I was a young girl. Since I was born, both of my parents have worked in the same nursing home. I was always in and out whether it was because we didn't have a babysitter that day or I just wanted to play with the facility cat. As I began growing older the in’s and out’s became hours of sitting in my mom’s office helping her file papers or with my dad running around the facility delivering toothbrushes and lotions to rooms. Summers became volunteering in the Activities Department, interacting with the elderly through crafts, painting nails, board games or just chatting away. I realized that these simplest of acts brought happiness to them, it was incredible. I realized what a difference I could make, even if it was small. These moments so early in my life are why I believe I'm so devoted and truly passionate about community service. Since, then I have done everything to immerse myself in my community and school. From volunteering at my local hospital, food bank and soup kitchen, to fundraising for polio, or traveling to Baja California with my club to start recycling and water filter programs. I have found my purpose in …show more content…

As a freshman who is eager to start getting involved in my new community and school CSC will allow me to do exactly that. I think CSC is an incredible organization because with 2,000 student volunteers UCLA can make such an powerful impact on our campus, in LA, and in our world. I want to be apart of that. Since I am not an LA native, CSC will introduce me to the needs and challenges in the LA area. The biggest reason I want to become a fellow is because I have a deep desire to learn about the social issues we are facing and how I can start to implement a change within my

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