Latin American Imperialism In The 1800s

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In the 1800s, European countries were very eager to colonize many different continents. They believed it was their moral responsibility to civilize primitive people. This belief is known as " The White Man's Burden." European rule brought many positive and negative effects to these countries. They conquered Southeast Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Southeast Asia was sought after by Europe for three reasons. The first reason was that they wanted direct control over raw materials. These products were things such as clothes, tea, silk and spices. Colonizing Asia was also beneficial for the military. It would be easier for them to travel to travel for wars. The last reason was to have a sense of prestige. Imperialism in Asia …show more content…

Social classes were based on privilege. The peninsulares were at the top of society. Creoles (of Latin American and European descent) controlled some of the land and resented peninsulares. The favored the ideals of equality. Mestizos ( a person of mixed European and Native American descent) were the largest group and at the bottom of society. Many revolts took place that were lead by leaders such as Miguel Hidalgo, Jose de San Martin, and Simon Bolivar, helped many countries overthrow European rule. The British and French wanted control of the nations again. However, James Monroe issued the Monroe Doctrine, which warned foreign countries about intervening in those countries. These newly independent nations had no idea how to rule themselves. So, strong leaders called caudillos ruled chiefly by military force. They modernized the new nation-states. Antonia Lopez de Santa Ana caused the Mexican War. He was defeated by Benito Juarez. In 1898, the United States joined the Spanish American War. Since they supported Panama during the war, the U.S. was rewarded with a 10 mile strip of land. This resulted in the Panama Canal. This was built to reduce the time it takes ships to travel between the Pacific and Atlantic

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