Lake George Narrative

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Vacations are a great way to bond with family while getting a break from your everyday life. My trip to Lake George last summer was just that. I spent time with my distant relatives, who I barely ever see, and I had a little get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. The day was activity packed, and I enjoyed every second of it! It all started with a phone call from my great aunt, Aisha, telling my mother that they were going upstate for the day, and asking if I could come with. Since Mom and Dad happened to have the day off, they decided to make it a family affair. The drive up to Lake George was actually a ton of fun since all of us cousins sat in the back and played car games. When we finally got there, the adults checked into our hotel rooms and all the kids hit the pool. We all played …show more content…

For lunch, we went to a Turkish restaurant which was walking distance from the hotel. On the way back, we passed by a small carnival and decided to spend some time there. We really enjoyed ourselves and didn’t even realize that we were going to be late to our rafting reservation! We took a cab down to the lake, where there was a small hut renting out rafting gear. We had to hike downhill with our rafts to find a location where the current was calm. Our guide helped us with navigate the rapids and we even got to jump into the lake! After the rafting experience, we were pretty exhausted, so we decided to rest on the beach for a while. I remember lying in the sand while the cool water tickled my toes. It started to get dark, so we decided to head back to the hotel to take showers and change out of our now soiled clothes. We grabbed dinner from a pizzeria down the street, and then went to an ice

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