Lady Macbeth Foil

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Foil Characters are important to the development of a play, for the prime reason of creating contrast that lead to a deeper understanding of the characters. Lady Macbeth in the beginning of the play, persuades and manipulates her husband into committing murderous deeds that classify her as an evil person to american society. Her husband, Macbeth, however, understands the outcome of his actions and seems to have withdrawls about killing king Duncan. Lady Macbeth is a foil to Macbeth, highlighting his flaws with manipulation and greed. Reminding the reader that greed can be very blinding. When the witches first tell Macbeth of his fate, he immediately begins to think of the horrible outcome. Claiming that this “supernatural soliciting cannot be ill” …show more content…

He no longer is the innocent soldier he once way, he now has “unclean hands”. Lady Macbeth however, assumes his innocence. She claims she cannot murder Duncan herself because Duncan looks to much like her sleeping father. She is all words and no actions. Macbeth is devoid of any human emotions as the play goes on, and Lady Macbeth assumes the emotional role. Lady Macbeth begins to have dreams in which she cannot get the blood off her hands, and ultimately commits suicide from guilt of her actions. This breakdown of Lady Macbeth really highlights how inhuman the murder of Duncan has made Macbeth. “What has been done cannot be undone”, greed has flooded the minds of both Lady Macbeth and Macbeth, corrupting their emotions and ultimately causing their death. Lady Macbeth is the perfect foil character because she highlights Macbeth's flaws. Through, the monologue, soliloquios and dreams of Lady Macbeth, we understand the type of character Macbeth was before and after the murder. Leaving the audience with a message, of how greed can blind us making us do unimaginable things and that listening to our conscious may be the only way to avoid

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