Macbeth Courage Quotes

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“Screw your courage to the sticking place, and we’ll not fail” This phrase written by William Shakespeare, spoken by Lady Macbeth, means to be firm and resolute. These are very contradicting words given the consequences of lady Macbeth’s actions. In the play, “The tragedy of Macbeth”, Lady Macbeth’s character and personality traits shift throughout the play. In turn, this causes plot advancement by allowing the other characters to rely on her future actions as problems or resolutions in the play. “The Tragedy of Macbeth” goes into the darkest and deepest morals of any Shakespearean play. Each character in the play portrays a very important role and each character gives off their own form of sincerities towards the advancing plot. Macbeth …show more content…

The witches caused much confusion throughout the play, to Macbeth and anyone associated with them. For instance, when the witches spoke to Banquo and Macbeth they said, Hail thee, thane of Glamis/ Hail thee, thee of Cawdor/ that shalt be king hereafter.” This statement was directed to Macbeth, but it very much confused him, as he was thane of Glamis, but not thane of Cawdor or certainly not king. Moments later he was to be crowned thane of Cawdor by King Duncan. The actions of King Duncan led Macbeth to believe he was going to become king. Lady Macbeth, when reading about Macbeth’s encounter with the witches, automatically devised a plan for Macbeth to become king. This plan involved killing the king, but to convince Macbeth that it was supposed to happen, she extremely criticized him and put him down on all thoughts. Her emasculation of him subjected him into thinking, killing the king was the only way to gain …show more content…

Her physical health was okay, but her mental status was very questionable. The text stated, “Out damned spot! Out I say!... What need we fear who knows it, when more can call our power to account?” Lady Macbeth believed she kept on seeing blood on her hands, while she was sleepwalking. When the doctor had witnessed her sleepwalking he said, “This disease is beyond my practice.”. While the doctor does not know the problem with Lady Macbeth, the audience does. Lady Macbeth starts to go crazy from all the guilt she has. All of the guilt and remorse that she made Macbeth feel came back to haunt her, as she indefinitely goes crazy with guilt. Soon after Lady Macbeth dies. Shakespeare had written her death to be off-stage, which is odd, as she is a major character. Shakespeare is also not very specific with details from Lady Macbeth’s death scene. It is possible she died from all the blood she was losing, scratching her hands or she may have sleepwalked her way off the edge of a balcony. Either way her death advanced the plot in numerous ways. Once Macbeth heard the news that his wife was dead, his response was, “She should have died hereafter.” Lady Macbeth was so manipulative to the point where her husband eventually believed his wife’s death meant nothing to him. Macbeth admitted, “Life’s but a walking shadow.” That can be interpreted to mean, “Life is nothing more than an illusion.” “The Tragedy of Macbeth” is an extremely

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