L-Arginine Research Papers

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With heart-related problems on the rise with each passing year, more people than ever before are looking for preventative supplements and solutions for these issues. Heart disease is one of the most prevalent, yet preventable, health problems despite the continuation of countless prescription medications. This has led people to seek out alternatives and natural supplements that can protect, repair and restore their heart health. Arginine, also known as L-arginine, is one such remedy that has enjoyed an increase in popularity. What is L-arginine? It is an amino acid, which is known as a chemical building block for protein production in the body. It is obtained through the diet and can be found in sources of food such as dairy, eggs, fish, poultry and red meat. However, L-arginine can also be created in a laboratory and made into supplements. The 'L' in front of the name of any amino acid simply means it is in its free-form state, or in other words, regarded as food. As it is in a form the body can recognize, unlike prescription medications, the body can assimilate it properly and use the supplement as intended. How does Arginine Work? When L-arginine is taken, either through food or supplementally, the body's …show more content…

Someone may not produce adequate amounts of L-arginine to maintain optimal nitric oxide levels if they have a poor diet, a vegan or vegetarian diet without complete protein sources, certain genetic factors, poor digestive health or if they smoke. With the amount of free radicals present in today's time, access to clean meats, dairy or eggs without added hormones and other detrimental components and environmental pollutants, nearly everyone can benefit from this

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