Kind Words In Mother Teresa

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“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” Mother Teresa of Calcutta This quotation demonstrates the positive effects of speaking kindly. I agree with Mother Teresa that kind words are easily spoken and long-lasting. On March 14, 1933 I was wondering my path down the halls, when I dropped my books for my studies. All of the undergrads mocked me; the laughing went on for days. I was completely embarrassed; until, a girl from my biology class named Stacy made me feel profusely better with her kind words. She presented me that everyone messes up, and that is okay because nobody is perfect. Stacy’s compassionate words made my day. There had been an abundant of times afterwards when someone spoke kindly to …show more content…

This girl was in line and she was very poor. Her parents could never afford to expensive cost of lunch. She barely ate lunch. One day, she thought she had enough money to buy herself lunch. When she came upon the cash register the lunch attendant told her she was short a dollar; however, instead of preventing her from claiming lunch the attendant reached into her pocket and gave her the extra dollar she needed and the little girl was able to enjoy lunch that day. This shows that, there is kindness in everyone. After observing the lunch attendant contributes money to that small girl it has shown me that I too can do well for those who are in need. In conclusion, “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” Mother Teresa of Calcutta This quotation demonstrates the positive effects of speaking kindly. I agree with Mother Teresa that kind words are easily spoken and long-lasting. There had been an abundant of times afterwards when someone spoke kindly to me, or someone offered me words of encouragement. The actions and words people say and do can affect people in countless

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