Kimmel Chapter 3 Summary

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One of Kimmel’s main points in chapter 3 has to deal with rituals of gender. Initiation rituals in particular, which strive to, “provide a sense of identity and group membership to the men who participate in them." (Kimmel p.70) This of course is alluding to circumcision, which is, “the excision of the foreskin of a boy’s penis.” Kimmel raises the question of why genital mutilation is seen as membership into the adult world. Which is a very valid question. Circumcision is the most common medical procedure in the United States. (Insane to think about) It originates from the Jewish bible, where the circumcision was thought to be a visible sign of the bond between man and God. He then goes on to explain female genital mutilation. When a clitordectomy happens, “the clitoris is cut away, or infibulated.” (Kimmel p.71) When learning of this I felt the collective moan of men when …show more content…

Historically speaking it did once help prevent penile infections. This of course when most people didn’t have regular access to showering. However in today’s age this is no longer necessary, the rate of penile infections and urethra cancers between circumcised men and uncircumcised men show almost no difference. So with all this information, why do girls still sneer in disgust at the natural uncircumcised penis? (Even after learning about it in class one girl was still disgusted at the very idea that some men remain natural.) It’s silly, my boyfriend isn’t circumcised and there is really no difference, except uncircumcised males tend to have more sensation in that area. One part I really agreed with was him stating that female circumcision is, “all about men controlling a woman’s sexuality.” (Kimmel p.73) It’s a disgusting thing to do to someone, these girls have never had a chance to know their own bodies and that makes me really sad. It’s horrific and

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