Kids Should Be Taught Script In Schools Essay

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Script is the writing that our country was founded on, we used it to sign important contracts such as The Declaration of Independence and a lot of other important documents. Kids should be taught script in school. But now forty out of the fifty states do not even teach script in school. This is a problem facing America today. Take into consideration how much of a problem this is if no one in this generation is taught script no one will be able to sign checks or buy anything. Also it would end a generation of writing that started back in the early 1600s.
If you did not know, 49.5 million checks are signed a day. That is a lot of checks, And you can guess what type of writing they use to sign the checks, script. What will happen to society when know one knows how to sign checks any more. It would be pretty sad if are country could not even sign their name. A Lot of people still think that script is still a useful tool. Also script is proved to be more neat and legible to read …show more content…

Only forty out of the fifty states teach script in schools across the country. Everyone is thinking now with technology emerging alot that it would be pointless to teach script. Also people do not have the same ambition and stamina to try or continue to learn script. If people were to try to learn script, do you know how much smarter it would make people, it would make them way smarter. Because they learned another way to write and also they know that they have the strength and brain power to learn new things. Also adding on to what I was saying have you ever seen an important document signed in print, No, of course not. The reason why all the important documents are signed in script is script “is” more fancy and it just looks better than normal print. Also another reason they used script is because script is the most meaningful and proper way of writing. This is why we still need to use this writing style because it is better in every way then

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