Kelly Rowlandson Research Paper

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Women of Color to Get New Branded Makeup

Kelly Rowland is getting ready to launch a makeup line specifically for women of color.

Born Kelendria Trene "Kelly" Rowland, the former Destiny's Child star is not new to the spotlight. After all, Destiny's Child is one of the world's best-selling girl groups of all time. She also had a remarkable solo career and has even branched into movies, television, and marketing. Over the last 19 years, she has sold over 27 million solo records and 60 million records with Destiny's Child. She has also won a truckful of awards and nominations, including four Grammy Awards, two Billboard Music Awards, and two Soul Train Music Awards. She even has a star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame for her time with Destiny's …show more content…

“My makeup artist Sheika Daley and I are actually starting a makeup line we’re making sure we make, well we’re starting off with lashes and then we’re going to have it grow for all women,” she said.

What is it that will make Rowland's line different from the hundreds of others that are already on the market? Her line is specifically targeted to women with dark skin. "[We're] definitely making sure we have our chocolate girls covered. Gotta get the chocolate girls in there! We have to have that, you know. I think Iman has done a beautiful makeup line and I want to do it too!”

What inspired her to try out her product line? It was her time in Destiny's Child. She told People magazine, "I remember going to Europe and there was this one makeup artist — I’m a chocolate girl, and she made me look pink. And then when she tried again, I looked green. And then when she tried again, I looked way fairer than what I really am.” When the group tried to do their own makeup things didn't turn out much better. “I looked like a monster in one picture. I remember Destiny’s Child went to the Brit Awards, and we tried to do our faces ourselves — I looked crazy. So I had to

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