Katy Perry Meaning

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The Meaning of: “Rise” by Katy Perry “I’ll fight it, I’ll fight it/ I will transform/ When, when the fire is at my feet again” These three lines of lyrics written by Katy Perry are quite beautiful. When I think of these lines I can feel the emotion that Katy must’ve felt during the process of writing this song. The song “Rise” is very inspirational and moving to someone who has gone through hard times and have conquered that troubling time in their life. As a musician I enjoy listening and discovering new music that has meaning and emotion in the song, because the music itself is raw and is not like any other music, that basically sounds the same. The lyrics to that Katy Perry has written over the years of being a musical artist carry different meanings and messages that mean so much to her throughout their life. Why does Katy Perry’s “Rise” mean so much to me? One reason why this song has been very important to me in my life is because of all the hard times that I’ve gone through last year (2016). As a musician I’ve notice that the music industry has been creating the “same” music these days barely having meaning, inspirational and is coming to a slight …show more content…

My senior year was a year that I wish that several events never happened because these events impacted my life in big waves. The biggest thing that happened that year was when a close friend of my committed suicide. Him and I were close friends, to the point that we called each other family. I still don’t know why he did it to this day. The song “Rise” has helped me understand that my life will get better. Yes, his death will be with me throughout my life but I need to push on and live my life to the fullest. I listened to the song on repeat until my mom told me to stop. This song had helped me push through that the tough times and a way to be “close” to him once

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