Katha Pollitt's Why Boys Don T Play With Dolls

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In Katha Pollitt’s essay “Why Boys Don’t Play with Dolls,” she explains the differences between the genders and she argues how feminist movements are hardly appreciated. Pollitt further demonstrates the values of women and men. According to Pollitt she explains that, “It’s twenty-eight years since the founding of NOW, and boys still like trucks and girls still like dolls” (544). From here, we can deduce that the author comparing the activities of boys and girls, and their choices of playing objects. There have always been presumptions in the society that boys are very outgoing and bold whereas girls are a little laid back sometimes. In addition, Pollitt keeps using the word “Feminism” throughout her essay, and talks about how women …show more content…

According to Pollitt she explains that, “feminists, who complain in a comical eyeball-rolling way about their sons’ passion for sports: the ruined weekends, obnoxious coaches, macho values” (545). This explains that the author is with females, but most of the mothers don’t really look too much into their sons. On the other hand, the boys do fool their mother 's by doing something they shouldn’t be doing. Every action that kids do, and the decisions they make applies to their parents, especially to the mothers, even though it is not their mother’s fault. However, Pollitt, “Theories of innate differences in behavior are appealing. They let parents off the hook no small recommendation in a culture that holds moms, and sometimes even dads, responsible for their children’s every misstep on the road to bliss and success”(546). Your negative behavior sometimes shows the world how your parents raised you up and what manners they taught you. And sometimes wrong doings of children make parents embarrassed in front of other people and they have to listen to people’s negative comments because of the inappropriate

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