Kanye West: Successful, Paid, Dropout

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Rapper, producer, fashion designer, and actor; what does Kanye West not do? Ever since 1999, West has been using the world as his personal show to exploit all his talents. A person like this must have gone to a great university and gotten a great degree. Truth is, he didn’t. Actually, he never even graduated and was automatically considered a dropout who would never make it anywhere. Through College Dropout, Late Registration and Graduation, and his personal lifestyle, Kanye West demonstrates that in the 21st century, a self-made man can break the status quo. Now a day, society says that the only way to be successful and make a lot of money is by graduating from the best college possible and having tremendous luck accompanied by the right connections. Kanye West has joined an elite group of people who have been able to make tons of money and be extremely successful in a very unconventional way that society tends to frown upon. While attending Chicago State University chasing down a master of the arts, West decided to no longer continue studying in 1998 and follow his true passion of creating music and singing (Carpenter). Through his music Kanye West is almost like a symbolic ray of hope to many listeners. He proves that it is very possible to overcome problems and end up being very successful in whatever they chose to do. West is not the only one to follow this beaten path of not graduating. People like Thomas Edison, Charles Dickens and even Princess Diana never graduated and were still able to make a huge impact on the lives of many people (HowStuffWork). Closer to home and today’s time, some of the wealthiest Americans never graduated either. Take Bill Gates for example, founder of Microsoft, he has built his own empire. H... ... middle of paper ... ...tm> 12 April 2014. - "Kanye West Net Worth." RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2014. . - "Forbes 400." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2014. . - "Top 10 Outrageous Kanye West Moments." Time. Time Inc., 14 Sept. 2009. Web. 15 Apr. 2014. . - Carpenter, Cassie. "Before He Was Famous: A Young Kanye West Is Seen in Childhood Snaps as He's Described as an Ambitious 'small Kid' Who Predicted His Success in High School." Mail Online. Associated Newspapers, 20 Aug. 2013. Web. 16 Apr. 2014. .

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