Juwan Conflict Resolution

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QP provided Juwan a CBT activity geared towards types of conflict and resolutions. QP explained to Juwan that the activity will teach him how to categorize the methods of resolving conflict in all setting, evaluate the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of each methods and identify options for resolving conflict. QP asked Juwan to list some types of conflict situation he gets in involved in at school and at home. QP asked Juwan to list some things that escalated conflict for him. QP examined with Juwan productive ways of handling conflict situations. QP asked Juwan to list some ways he handle conflict situations at home and at school. QP explained to Juwan the different types of conflicts and provided an example of each. QP assisted Juwan in …show more content…

QP asked Juwan to identify his feelings and emotions when he is in conflict. QP asked Juwan to list some reasons he get into conflict at school. QP asked Juwan to list some ways he respond to conflict situations. QP examined with Juwan, how he handles conflict at home and at school. QP encouraged Juwan in discussing a conflict situation in which he was involved in recently and discussed the resolution used and the consequences for the situation. QP examined with Juwan the types of conflict resolutions he has used and has worked for him in a positive manner. QP encouraged Juwan in role playing each conflict resolution method. QP provided Juwan with a worksheet in which he had to identify, if the conflict resolution in each situation was effective or ineffective. QP pointed out to Juwan that resolving conflict aggressively can lead to escalation with the situation, police involvement, juvenile court, out of home placement, and suspension or expansion from school. QP provided Juwan with a worksheet of three scenarios of conflict situations in which he had to answer these question, what was the problem, who were the parties involved in the conflict situation, give two options the parties could have use to resolve the conflict peacefully, and what were the consequences the parties had to face due to the way in which they choose to resolve the conflict

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