Juveniles Should Not Be Tried As Adults Essay

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As human being we all do things that can lead us to great consequences. Our media has created a big picture of criminals, as a big horrible factor that would lead to destruction. The media have come to a conclusion, that just because we do things that are against the law, we are the bad people and need to lock away. Many people have discussed this very important topic, but I certainly believe Juvenile offenders should not be tried as an adult. First, according to Mental Health Daily, the brain is only roughly halfway through the entire stage of development at the age of 18. The prefrontal cortex doesn’t have nearly the functional capacity at age 18 as it does at 25. State by the Ethic book, Neuroscientist found that “moral grammar” exists around universal sense of right of wrong. Teen’s lack the part of the brain that helps with reasoning and judgment and do not have a fully developed cerebellum, which control impulses. This can separate teens from adults. Teenagers cannot possibly be expected to endure the same consequence as fully matured adults. The second reason why is that a child can and may, has or be born with a mental disorder. Mental health disorders are more complicated and difficult to treat in young people than adults. In an article, Susan Schofield’s young daughter who is diagnosed …show more content…

Education is a major role; with student able to attend class and gain an education there will be fewer crimes. Everybody deserves a second chance. Research shows that the kids who ended up incarcerated were 13 percentage points less likely to graduate high school and 22 percentage points more likely to end up back in prison as adults, stated on Washingtonpost.com. The Supreme Court wrote that, because of "children's diminished culpability and heightened capacity for change, we think appropriate occasions for sentencing juveniles to this harshest possible penalty will be

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