Juveniles Should Be Punished As Adults Essay

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As said by Abby Anderson, executive director of Connecticut Juvenile Justice Alliance “when you teach someone to swim, you don’t just throw them in the deep end and hope they do great” (Chen, 2010, para. 14). In the late 19th century, juvenile offenders were tried and punished as adults. Today, the justice system does not take in account age or maturity when picking a punishment for young offenders. As the justice principle says, “ Adult time for adult crime”, however, in the present era, many seem to take little attention of age and maturity when considering punishments for juveniles (Chen, 2010, para. 6). According to the University of Texas-Austin, “on a single day in 2008, more than 7,700 children younger than 18 were held in adult local jails and 3,600 in adult state prisons, according to a 2009 University of Texas-Austin …show more content…

In other words, juveniles are in process of maturation, meaning their prefrontal cortex and cerebrum, the areas of the brain that help the person reason and control instinct, are not entirely developed. Furthermore, Scott and Steinberg also state that “developmental research clarifies that adolescents, because of their immaturity, should not be deemed as culpable as adults”(Scott & Steinberg, 2008, pg. 20). As Troutman says, “adults and adolescents are different therefore require a different set of standards” (Troutman, 2018). Young offenders should be given the chance to receive treatment after the …show more content…

Juveniles who commit crimes, violent or nonviolent, can be treated so that as adults they can be mature adults, due to the fact that their brains are still

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