Juvenile Incarceration Research Paper

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Sexual abuse is a major thing which affects everyone. There are many issues that cause sexual abuse to prevent how to deal with the situations. The juvenile detention system process is when young teens get incarcerated is to change them but, they are being abused by the staff members which will make them violent. During juvenile incarceration, teen offenders are often generally abused which causes them to relapse to the life of crime once they are released.

When adolescents are incarcerated, they are often sexually violated which makes them revert to the life of crime, once they are discharged. In the article (Cose), Ellis. "Rehabilitation Beats Punishment for Juveniles"" Newsweek. Web it states,“Incarcerated youth are being abused …show more content…

As it stated in the book (Carcaterra), Lorenzo. Sleepers. New York: Ballantine, (1995). Print. “To this day, no clear picture of the sexual abuse we endured...has surfaced my mind. I have buried it as deep as it can possibly go. But it is there and it will always be there no matter how hard I work at blocking it out...those forced sexual encounters have been relegated to a series of stop-action blurs. (Michael) His passion seemed dissolved, his strength sheared. All four boys at the wilkinson’s home were abused by the guards. Young offenders are assaulted by the guards when incarcerated beatings were so severe that teeth were knocked out, bones were broken, and some kids were rendered unconscious this was affected mentally distressed, and emotional by the guards. According to (Carcaterra), Lorenzo. Sleepers. New York: Ballantine, (1995). Print. it states “In the short span of time….and had weakened our minds.” All that has left was the strength….for that last part to go.” Their feelings at Wilkinson’s Home Shake feels scared and shame as it stated in text “In the blurry vision I am always alone and crying… body leaves in the tracks of the mind.” at this time it was his last birthday and end of his childhood. This cause a long term effect because they know their past won’t go away it will stay with them always.

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