Joseph Stalin And Adolf Hitler

1005 Words3 Pages

In the darkest hours of World War II, people looked for encouragement, guidance, and even acceptance to keep carrying on. Many people discovered whom they could trust and whom they could follow. Through those rough times came grave actions and harsh decisions. In those dark days, two leaders stood out among all men. These two leaders were Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler. Because of their actions, Stalin and Hitler became two of the most feared totalitarian dictators of all time.
In 1889 baby Adolf Hitler was born. As a child Hitler was fascinated with his mother. Often times he would seek guidance and protection from her. She protected him from his abusive father. Hitler despised his father and was horrified of him. His father would come home and beat little Hitler, leaving bruises and marks on him. As the years progressed Hitler referred to Germany as his mother, which he grew to have a more than normal love for. On the other hand, he referred to Austria as his father, whom he despised.
Hitler’s negative views on other races and religions started in his late teens. He was influenced by political tension and realized only the strongest of leaders could save society from confusion and disaster. In the first Great War, Hitler was on the front lines. During one of the battles he was a part of a gas attack that blinded him, hospitalizing him for weeks. When he was well, he was notified that Germany had lost the war. Because of this, he was emotionally destroyed and decided to go into politics. He strongly believed that Germany lost the war because of the Jews and communism. Adolf’s hatred for Jews and communists was so strong that he related to them as one word “jewishcommunism.” To him there wasn’t a difference they...

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...myself"(Stalin, Joseph). How could a man of great power be so influential, then turn around and not even have trust in himself? Many people will never understand, but some could believe it was because of Hitler's betrayal. Even though Stalin made great amounts of human sacrifices in World War II, the people of the Soviet Union still followed him and respected him as an authoritative figure (Stalin, Joseph).
From the beginning of time to the darkest days in history, people have managed to see light. Within these dark times, a great deal of violence was cast upon the world, but light and peace always prevailed. If it were not for these two leaders, history would have been completely different. Even though both had very different political views, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin will all forever be known as two of the most feared totalitarian leaders in history.

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