Jose Nieves

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Jose L. Nieves born in San Leandro, California and raised in Rialto California. He graduated from Eisenhower High School in summer of 1997. Just like many young adults Jose didn’t know what he wanted to do after high school and attended many different schools, but finally quit school when then girlfriend Paula Alonzo got pregnant. Later that year they got married and after being married for 10 years Jose decided to go back to school because of a freak accident at work; he graduated from the University of Arkansas in 2017 with a Bachelor of Accounting while working part-time for a concrete company. Shortly after graduation Jose welcome to this world his son Alexander Nieves. After 15 years of trying to get pregnant and financially unable to adopt another child Belle finally got her baby brother. Alexander grew big and strong and played multiple sports but finally decided to go to Massachusetts …show more content…

Jose was planning on working two jobs after graduating from college at least for the first year to pay down some debt and save money for a house, CPA exam, and the tax software, but fortunately, the concrete company grew faster than he expected and had to work long hours. In 2022 Jose got recognized for his accomplishment in structuring of the concrete company and got offered a substantial raise to become the senior accountant in JB Hunt. For 10 years Jose worked in JB Hunt and was moving up the latter constantly until 2033 when he got promoted to CFO of the company. Once Jose became CFO, he met the President of the United States twice and he befriended many politicians, even though Jose never contemplated entering politics, he would often like the opportunity to influence them if he could. He worked ten more years in JB Hunt before retiring with full benefits, and in 2043 he went to work part-time for a small accounting firm where he continues until the fall of

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