Johnathan Edwards Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God

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Johnathan Edwards’ “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” is arguably the most famous sermon every preached. Being of a Puritan background, Edwards, focuses on the afterlife, but unlike other writers during his time he uses a “fire and brimstone” approach to convey his belief of sin equaling condemnation to hell. The most important point Edward’s tries to communicate to his audience is God’s ability to cast wicked men into hell at any given moment. This topic is important during his time and even today, because people stray from the path laid out within the bible to obtain eternal life in heaven. The use of God’s wrath toward sinners in place of a more sympathetic forgiveness of sins proves to be very successful for Edwards. “Unconverted men walk over the pit of hell on a rotten covering” (Edwards Para. 14) is a quote that paints this image of sinners possibly being damned to hell at any moment. A rotten covering implies that the individual, the sinner, that is walking across the covering does not know when he or she will fall through a soft spot, thus falling into hell without any action …show more content…

“We find it easy to tread on and crush a worm that we see crawling on the earth” (Edwards Para. 7), this quote correctly encompasses Edward’s view of the relationship between humans and God. He says as people find it easy and pleasurable to kill a bug or worm, God finds it pleasurable to kill a sinner. This comparison is very controversial, but the message intended is that God views sinners as the most despised bugs and waits until he is ready to smash them. Again, the unknown timing in this example serves as a warning that if an individual is not living according to the way of the bible, then changes in their mindset and actions are necessary for forgiveness to be truly

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