John Wycliffe Research Paper

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The Pope is human, just like the rest of us, so how can he be above Jesus and the Bible? Wycliffe is the reason for the Reformation because he argued that the Bible and Jesus are above the pope, he caused people to ban together to fight against the pope, and even after his death, his legacy lives on.

First off, Wycliffe is the reason for the Reformation because he argued that the Bible and Jesus Christ were above the Pope. This is an issue because the Pope was seen as a leader in the times before the Reformation. Wycliffe argued against the Pope saying, “Trust wholly in Christ; rely altogether on his sufferings; beware of seeking to be justified in any other way than his righteousness.” (Christianity today, John Wycliffe). At this point John has been saying that Christ is first, so therefor Jesus has the last word. You cannot argue with the Bible in this era, so how can the Pope be above Christ? He can't. …show more content…

There are people being injured and slaughtered for standing up against the Pope. They are being killed because the Catholic church calls them heretics. It all happens when Martin Luther starts posting his thoughts about the Church on the door (95 Theses). Now you can imagine how mad that his postings made the Pope and the clergy. Luther had a lot of pride in what he had to say, but with that pride comes a price. Pope Leo X had Luther excommunicated. But his legacy lives on with people like John Wycliffe. As stated above, Wycliffe kept people fighting by banning them together and arguing with the pope, which later on gets them slaughtered. But they keep fighting for what they believe is

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