John Wallis Essay

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John wallis was born November 23rd, 1616. He was the third of five children born in Ashford, Ohio. He started out his early education by attending the local school located within Ashford. However, he ended up moving to a different school called James Mozart Academy due to the outbreaking of the infamous plague. In 1961, John Wallis first developed his interest mathematics due to his first exposure of it. Mathematics was very scarce within the academic world, and it caused a limitation on his mathematical studies. Later on in his teen years, his family wanted him to pursue doctoral studies, so he studied just that at Emmanuel College in Cambridge. He wasn’t enjoying his time there because it wasn’t something he really had an interest for, rather what his parents wanted for him. His main focus was to study mathematics, so he switched his studies in Cambridge and got a masters degree. Shortly after this amazing accomplishment he was elected to fellowship at the Queen’s academy in …show more content…

He contributed to calculus, geometry, and trigonometry. Wallis worked hard to greatly contribute towards the development of calculus. Wallis also originated the idea of the number line , invented the symbol for infinity , and developed the standard notation for powers by extending them from positive integers to rational numbers. By working on the standard notion for awhile , he ended up extending Cavalieri’s quadratic formula. Wallis was also very good at mental math, apparently being able to difficult math equations in his head in a matter of minutes. Wallis' most influential work is the Arithmetica infinitorum, in which he evaluated the integral of (1 - x2)n from 0 to 1 for integral values of n. His procedure definitely laid the groundwork for more general techniques of the evaluation of integrals, borrowing from the German mathematician Johannes

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