John Todd And Women Rights Analysis

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John Todd and Gail Hamilton both wrote their views on women rights, both have different view points and are controversial still today. John Todd is heavily influenced by his religious beliefs and is much more conservative in his thinking. Gail Hamilton refutes Todd's views on the subject which in the time of writing was something very uncommon.
John Todd starts his writing off with the topic of equality between men and women. He begins his paper with, “Nobody pretends that the sexes are equal in weight, in height, or in bodily strength. The bodies of the two sexes seem to have been planned for different ends.” He believes that “God” designed women for a specific purpose which isn't the same as men. He then goes onto say that woman have superior brains than men by stating, “It is quicker, more flexible, more elastic.” These claims are unverifiable and he seems to be using apple polishing fallacy to persuade the reader to join his view point. He then says that women cannot be independent of men because of two reasons, “God never designed you should, and your own deep instincts are in the way.” These reasons are flawed as we know today that women can be independent in todays society, but back in the 1800s people didn't question ideas as much as they do now. Todd says that God didn't intend for women to occupy the same sphere because of how she is physically oriented. Todd then goes on to speak about how women don't have the ability to invent. Gail Hamilton attacks Todd by saying, “one reason why women have never been inventors is, that they have never been artisans' but the matter is utterly irrelevant.” He has a strong point in that women shouldn't have to be able to invent to have equal rights as men. Just because t...

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...dd thinks that girls would become overworked if they went to school while still performing household duties as he believes them to be physically inferior. Hamilton believes that if a girl starts school at the same age boys do, she will come out “as health, as fresh, as eager as she went in”. Both men have somewhat valid arguments, but Hamilton's viewpoint is in support of equal education opportunities. We know now that children are able to retain information much easier than adults.
I believe Hamilton effectively refutes Todd's viewpoints in that he is fighting for women's equality. He doesn't argue with Todd about the physically ability of women but rather than differences between men and women should have no effect on their rights as Americans. It's a great step forward for the time it was written, undoubtedly it had an impact on the fight for women's rights.

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