John Q: Who are the “Bad Guys”?

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Throughout the movie John Q, there are several “bad guys” that make the life of John and his family much harder. John and his wife Denise found out that their son Mike had a serious heart condition and was in desperate need for a new, yet expensive heart. These “bad guys” throughout the movie are also known as; the company that John works for, Dr. Turner along with the rest of the doctors/nurses at the hospital and the police. All these people or groups of people weren’t helpful nor understanding with Mike’s sickness and how it made John and Denies feel helpless. This sadly put John in a tough situation where he had to go to the extreme to save his son’s life.
Throughout the movie John Q the company that John worked for could be seen as one of the “bad guys”. This company had changed their policy and work time at John’s work place without taking the time to inform him. This caused John to believe that he was working as a full time employee with full health insurance, when he was truly only working as a half time employee with less health insurance. The company was withholding information from John, since they knew that he wouldn’t be pleased with this chance and would perhaps change his place of work in order to receive a better health insurance policy to go along with his job. Due to the fact that the company didn’t come forward and tell John the truth, he then had to go through a great amount of trouble in order to raise the money to pay for his son’s surgery, in a very short amount of time. John and his wife had to sell various items in their house, as well their only vehicle in order to put their son on the donor list, even after this they were still short money. This mess could have been avoided if the company would have be...

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...lling or hurting him, making them the “bad guys”.
In conclusion, we can see that there were various “bad guys” throughout this movie. In the minds of these “bad guys”, the image of what was truly right and wrong was clouded by policies and money. Without John’s actions these “bad guy” characters may have let an innocent eight year old boy die, due to pieces of paper and coins. On a positive note; more or less of these “bad guys” did end up doing the right thing at the end of the movie. This movie shows the viewers that though there are “bad guys” in the world with selfish and uncivil actions, there is potentially hope for them to correct themselves, if they are shown what is truly right and just.

Works cited:
John Q. Dir. Nick Cassavetes. Perf. Denzel Washington, Kimberly Elise, Daniel E.Smith, James Woods and Anne Heche. New Line Cinema, 2002. Film.

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