John Piper The Challenge Of Relativism Analysis

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Introduction The notion of postmodernism has rapidly made its way to the front and center of our social discussion topics. The question that must be asked concerning this erroneous view from the premise is, ‘How does anyone think this logically and pragmatically could be an idea which they could hold firm to?’ The idea of postmodernism guarantees that there are no guarantees. In other terms, postmodernism boldly states that there is a solid truth that the earth is incapable of boldly producing statements of solidified truths. Straight from the premise of this fallacious idea we see a landslide of incoherence and an overwhelming sense of vacillation at the very foundation. Also found in the ideas of postmodernism is the idea of relativism. While postmodernism claims that there are no proven absolutes, relativism claims that the reason for no absolutes is that individuals create their own rules. In essence, the idea of relativism says that that which one person believes is only applicable to the life of the next person if he or she wishes for it to be relative to them. John Piper alludes to the topic of relativism in …show more content…

No standard is valid for everyone.” What Pastor John Piper is essentially saying here in his article is that relativism boldly proclaims that no one standard can

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