Erikson's Psychosocial Stages

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Erikson’s stages of Development Erik Erikson developed eight psychosocial stages that occur through life. These stages help parents of younger children understand what the child is thinking and why they are acting the way that they do. For a person to become a well-rounded adult they need to succeed in each level. This essay will discuss the first six stages into young adulthood. The first stage is infancy and it covers the first year of life. The issue in this stage is trust versus mistrust. This is a stage where an infant is completely dependent on their caregiver. Trust is built by the actions of the caregiver taking care of the child by feeding, bathing, changing diapers, showing affection, etc. If a child is not well taken care of then that child will not learn to trust others. New parents struggle with this stage a lot because of the loss of freedom and the diversion of some attention from spouse to newborn child. It is known as the oral-sensory stage because infants use their mouth to explore their new world. Parents must meet the …show more content…

However, I think the most challenging stage is Puberty. In this stage children’s emotions are all over the place. They are trying to discover who they are and sometimes this means they have a different plan than what their parents want. They have more problems with authority figures than any other age group which leads to causing parents grief from reasons like car accidents, arrests, drinking and driving, pregnancy, bullying, arguing, and laziness. I think all parents should be aware of counseling and the benefits from it. It is okay to need help in raising children. Parents need to know that they are going to get angry with their children at times and that it is okay as long as they deal with their children in acceptable ways. Learning to parent is an on-going adventure that is strenuous at times, but very

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