John Adams: An Important Person In American History

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John Adams John Adams was an interesting person in American history. He got his education at Harvard. He was a lawyer, an author, a statesman, and diplomat. John was also a president. He was married to Abigail and had two kids named John Quincy Adams and Abigail Adams Smith. John Adams was an important person in American history. He was a great lawyer, he was president, and did well as an author. Adams became an excellent lawyer over time. He graduated at Harvard University in 1755 when he was twenty years old. John studied law in the office of John Putnam, a famous lawyer. He helped many people in need. John Adams played a major role in the Boston Massacre Trial of 1770. The Boston Massacre was a street fight on March 5, 1770. Many were killed and John Adams thought it was right for him to take the case for the five who killed the five Boston residents. He as a good lawyer even though he disagreed with his client he took the case to defend them. His friends and many people were upset with his decision. I find him very important in our history especially because I want to become a lawyer.
John Adams was the first Vice President and the second President of the United States. He served two terms as President (8 years). He First had served as a Vice President for George Washington. He served on the First Continental Congress and also helped draft …show more content…

He was great at speaking his thoughts and expanding on them. He liked to think he was always right. “Thanks to God that he gave me stubbornness when I know I am right.”– John Adams, letter to Edmund Jennings, 1782.” Let us tenderly and kindly cherish, therefore, the means of knowledge. Let us dare to read, think, speak, and write.” I like how he’s promoting education for all ages. He's to me saying that it can be a fun thing to do; read, think, speak, and write. Almost as if it's adventurous.I really like him for how he expresses himself. He has multiple famous quotes out that I really

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