Jhumpa Lahiri Interpreter Of Maladies

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When I realized I have only five hours left to write the assignment, I rushed searching for the shortest story in the collection of 9 short stories written by Jhumpa Lahiri interpreter of maladies, and I found this one, the Real Durwan, at the beginning I was skimming and scanning, but as I dug deep into the content of the story I fell in love with it. Reading the story, I had a weird combination of feelings, I felt sad and pity for Boori Ma, although she wasn’t a very likeable character herself, yet I couldn’t help but feel bad for her. I think that Boori ma is a complicated personality, I mean she’s nice, but she lies a lot, like WAY A LOT, since she’s an old lady, and old people likes to tell stories and not everything they tell is always true, she enjoys telling stories of her past, but the thing is, almost all of the stories she told sound …show more content…

Well not at the end, the ending was shocking for me and I think it should not end like that. Firstly, Boori Ma’s was working very hard to keep everything nice and clean and she got nothing, but her dirty blanket and skeleton keys she still wore. And when Mrs.Dalal noticed that she got a very worn and dirty blanket, she promised her that she would bring her a new blanket. I like her, she is my favorite character in this story, since she helped the poor old lady Boori Ma. But in the end when she left for a vacation with Mr.Dalal and the big problem happened which is the robbery, she was not there for Boori ma and no one stand for her when she got kicked out from the job, I noticed that at the end of every story she tells, she says “Believe me, don’t believe me” but this time she didn’t, instead she said “Believe me, believe me. I did not inform the robbers.”

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