Jesus Of Nazareth: A Religious Analysis

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Religion is an integral part of the human experience. For thousands of years, humans have wondered about questions that they could not answer. For years, people worshiped spirits and other deities. Soon, people adopted more codified polytheistic traditions, like the Egyptians, Greeks, and the Romans. Later, Abrahamic religions would take root starting with the Hebrew people that would start the first monotheistic tradition. This tradition would be the same religion that would lead to the development of Christianity, and later Islam, three religions that would worship one god. Though they had this in common, there were many differences among them. One of the chief differences would be each religions view of Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus is perhaps …show more content…

The historical examination of Jesus is harder than it would seem. The primary sources for the life and teachings of Jesus Christ are the gospels, which are obviously skewed to a Christian and religious perspective. So, one must look for sources independent of the gospels. Historians generally accept that Jesus existed, but outside of this fact there is not much that is known for certain. Outside of the fact that he existed, there are only two facts those historians are generally certain about. One is that Jesus was baptized, and the other is that he was crucified. He was most likely baptized by John the Baptist and he was a Jew from Galilee and that he mostly likely lived during the times referenced in the bible. He would begin his ministry in Galilee. He would teach about the kingdom of God, and he used parables to teach how one should live his or her life. Some scholars believe that the Kingdom of God may have been a moral one, and that it was a teaching tool. He accumulated followers, the chief of which were known as the Apostles. He would eventually leave Galilee and …show more content…

And, the Christian lens should be examined first. In the Christian religion, Jesus is the incarnation of the Son of God and that he is the long awaited Messiah. Jesus birth and death are incredibly important to the Christian faith. His birthday is celebrated with Christmas. Good Friday honors the date he was crucified with his resurrection celebrated on Easter. Christianity also associates Jesus with the holy trinity; a concept explained in the article “The Holy Trinity” in which the author writes, “the dogma of the Trinity--three persons in one God-- was formulated by St. Augustine. Whenever the Christian speaks of “God.” St. Augustine wrote, he means “neither the Father nor the Son nor the Holy Ghost itself.” However, the Trinity--which, according to St. Bernard, it was ‘temerity to search into, piety to believe, and life eternal to know” (Francis 59). Christians believe that was born to the Virgin Mary, and conceived by the Holy Spirit. When looking at Jesus from a religious perspective the best resources are the gospels. He taught the word of god and that if that people who accepted his message would get to live forever in the Kingdom of Heaven (Mark 10:13-27). Jesus wanted to people to repent for their sins and then devote themselves. He also had many teachings like turning the other cheek, forgiving

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