Jesus Human Identity

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Jesus, True Worship, and Human Identity
The true nature of Jesus is that he has two: one of God and one of man. In the Christian worldview, Jesus is both fully and completely God and fully and completely man. This dual nature is made evident in a multitude of ways. Jesus, as the second third of the Trinity, expresses in human form the eternal nature and character of God; he is, simply put, the revelation of God. The incarnation makes Jesus the one true human in the image of God and is the standard of what it means to be human, as he fulfilled the essence of the requirement of God for humanity to love God and neighbor through his life and his death. The life of Jesus is the guidelines by which human life in the future, both presently and …show more content…

A person should understand him or herself, if Jesus is to be worshiped, and if he is who he says he is, by following in the footsteps of Jesus to reach a self-understanding on how he or she should be living versus how they might once have been living prior to knowing God and the Trinity, or while knowing God and the Trinity, but not grasping the true power and might of God. In order to understand and worship Jesus, an individual must first find and understand his or herself. This can be achieved best by studying how Jesus lived and trying to replicate it to see the world through the eyes of Jesus. By doing so creates a way to understand Jesus for the individual seeking the self-understanding necessary to worship Jesus in the first place. This human self-understanding created by placing oneself in the footsteps of Jesus means that the individual can understand what it means to be truly human. By understanding what it means to be truly human, one can go on to worship Jesus, the only person in existence who was created to be the one true human created in God’s exact

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