Japanese Silk Factories Dbq

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The Industrial Revolution was a time in where machines were making great changes in people's’ lives. Making threads were easier to make with the spinning jenny, clothes were being made faster than in a blink of an eye. Machines were being spread throughout the globe in which for some countries were good and for some were bad. The Japanese borrowed many ideas from but in a country like Japan silk and other clothes goods were needed and making Japan very rich in connections with other countries and money. The idea of the machines were very revolutionary for the Japanese, especially since silk needed a long process to make into threads. But there was some costs in employing workers for these factories and some benefits for the employees who were …show more content…

But the process of getting these employees were satisfying to the managers but cruel to the employees themselves. In order for the managers, of the factories, to get their employees, the managers had to give to the head to the employee's family in what they called a earnest money, in which is an large amount of advanced money for the employee to work at their factories. To prove the loyalty of the employee by the family, the head of the family had to sign a contract saying that they accepted the earnest money and if there were any infringement the employee’s family had to pay more than the amount of the earnest money (Document E). In daily work life of a worker, the workers were roused from their bed at 4:05 A.M and sent to work at 6:15 A.M. during the workday the workers received 15 minutes for breakfast and lunch and a ten minute break during 3 P.M. Containing this life style was sometimes very tiring for the workers but also convenient for the working for it was a very healthy lifestyle for some (Document B). Some benefit of working at a factory were that whenever the workers wanted to be released it had to be in some excuse to be release such as getting married and family reasons. A 24 to 29 percentage of the workers getting release from their jobs were mostly due to illness or family reason and some were just release from their jobs in which is a benefit from working at these factories (Document D). Some other benefits of working in a factory was the experience according to a survey made in Japan in 1982, 90 percent of the women had said that their overall experience at working at a factory was very positive the other 10 percent said it was

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