The Impact Of Jane Austen's Impact On Society

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Take a look at the pictures on this screen. These are images from all of the Jane Austen movie adaptations or spinoffs that have been made in the last 20 or so years. This year marks the 200th anniversary of Jane Austen’s death, but her stories are still alive and well in the mainstream conscious.
My first introduction to Austen was when I was fifteen. I took an English course centered around the works of Jane Austen, and I have been a devoted fan of both the authoress and her books ever since.
Today, I will be talking to you about Jane Austen’s life and her impact on society.
Before I can discuss her work, let’s learn a little about the life of Jane Austen.]
Jane grew up in a loving and nurturing home (which you can see in this photo) where …show more content…

That is actually one of the reasons I love the novels so much: because I can relate to the characters. I especially see myself in Elinor Dashwood from Sense and Sensibility because of her love for her younger sister and her loyalty to her friends.
Not only did Jane write realistic and interesting characters, but most of those characters were women. Meaning Jane’s books were a huge step forward for women.
While Jane’s books were first published anonymously, readers did know the author was a woman. In fact, the original title of her first book was Sense and Sensibility, By A Lady. As a lady herself, Jane was able to write amazing female characters that have agency in their own narratives. Besides the romantic aspects of the plots, Jane’s heroines often have their own goals or undergo personal growth outside of finding a husband. For instance, in Emma, the title character begins the story as a good-hearted, but spoiled know-it-all. However, through lessons from the various friendships she makes during the book, she learns to become a more considerate and truly generous

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