James Weldon Johnson

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Johnson had a older sister died at the age of two. His younger brother , name John
Rosamond came along in 1873.In 1884 Johnson spent a summer in Brooklyn, New York.

Johnson was sixteen years old. He had met many of the prominent African American leaders

of his day , including the legendary Frederick Douglass. He had also mastered Spanish by

conversing with his friend.

Johnson attended Stanton until entered high school. He attended high school. He attended

high school and college at Atlanta University.1887 graduates from Stanton and enrolls in

preparatory school at Atlanta University.1894 earns bachelor’s degree from Atlanta University.

At 23, he became principal of Stanton school, the school he had graduated from in Jacksonville,

FL. He served there for eight years , presiding over the expansion of its educational program.

James Weldon earned his M.A. degree from Columbia University in New York, 1904.In 1894 he

earned an A.B. degree from Atlanta University.

Johnson married Grace Nail in New York City on February 10, 1910. The marriage lasted

a long time. He di...

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