Iwo Jima Research Paper

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After watching Letters from Iwo Jima, create 3 letters to send home to family members as if you were a Japanese soldier fighting in this battle. Dear, Mother and Father I hope everything is okay at home. I was deployed to Iwo Jima 2 weeks ago and we started to prepare for the American invasion. We dug trenches and set up beach defenses. I fear that these will not be much use because of the massive amount of soldiers the Americans have. We just started digging our tunnels and setting up machine guns and artillery in the mountains. I believe this will be our best chance of delaying the American invasion of the homeland. The moral of the men is very low, we have very little to eat and the bombings have started. We work all day to build up defenses to try and stall the U.S forces but in the end I think that defeat is inevitable. I fear I will not come back, we are suppose to commit suicide if defeated. I hope that I will one day return home …show more content…

Good news though, we have managed to inflict many casualties against American forces, although they have us out manned we will use our superior tactics and positioning to inflict as much damage as possible. The tunnels in the caves have been complete we can move around easier now so we are able to get behind and surprise the American soldiers. It doesn’t take many soldiers to hold the small corridors against the Americans since only a certain number of people can fit in one at a time. Although we have been winning some skirmishes and are inflicting heavy casualties onto the Americans we are still are at a disadvantage. They have so many soldiers, ammunition, and tanks. I have been talking to some of the other soldiers on patrol and many of them do not believe that we should end our lives instead of accepting defeat. Do not worry I will not dishonor our family name with cowardice. I love you and I hope to come back one

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