It's Never Easy To Be Told

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It’s never easy to be diagnosed with a terminal illness, especially if your children are still young. This kind of news will be devastating to the whole family, and often times, it might not be clear how and when to break the news to the young ones, much less if they should even be told. It won’t be a surprise if you will have the urge and instinct to hide this from your children to protect them, but doing this might be make things more difficult in the long run. Sharing the news with them and guiding them through their emotions can help lessen their tendencies to become angry, guilty, and confused later on. Breaking the News The American Society of Cancer suggests that while it is in fact a good idea to let your children know what is happening, you should take care …show more content…

Reassure your children that everything will be alright and that they will not be alone. If you are a single parent, it will also be understandable for you to want to find someone to take care of your children and make sure they are okay when you are gone. However, it would still be best to tell your children alone instead of bringing in someone who is a stranger to them; the bond between parents and children is incomparable, after …show more content…

Very rarely does the diagnosis occur when the disease is already in an advanced, terminal stage. Use the period between the diagnosis and your passing to fully prepare your children – this is another reason why it is a good idea to tell them immediately after the disease is confirmed with a diagnosis. Of course, the length of time you have left to spend with your loved ones will not ease the pain they feel when you reach your terminal

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