Issues Faced in Schools

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Education is of the essence. It is a process in which an individual acquires knowledge. It is what helps us survive in this cruel world. Unfortunately, the system of education has become a complete mess for everybody. Almost every day you’ll hear another issue about it on the news and on the internet. There are many challenges facing schools, teachers and students and there are many educational philosophies about how to address these issues.
There are many issues and challenges facing schools today. According to Changing Paradigms by Sir Ken Robinson, “The problem is the current system education was designed and conceived and structured for a different age” (Robinson). It may have worked long ago but it is no longer the best approach on educating children in today’s age. One of the many flaws of the current system is how schools are modeled like factories. They have ringing bells, separate facilities and children are put into batches by age. It’s as if the most important thing that children have alike is their “date of manufacture”. All children are unique and are capable of different things. Some excel in certain subjects that others fall behind in. The lessons they are educated in shouldn’t be determined by their age. Young brilliant children should not be held back by the standard curriculum of their age group when they are clearly capable of greater things. On the other hand, older students who are incapable of keeping up with the others should not be forced to learn at the same pace as everybody else even though it is making them feel hopeless and incompetent. They should be given assessments and be put into levels depending on their state of mentality and emotions. This is will help schools fix a big problem they face in to...

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...w to fix them. The cooperation of students, parents and teachers are the utmost importance. Students should behave and take in all the information their teachers are giving them. Parents should educate their children even before they start attending school and they should remain supportive no matter what. Teachers have to find a way to inspire their students to seek more knowledge and help them reach heights they never thought was possible. It’ll take a lot of hard work and effort for everybody, but it’s worth it. Education is worth it. The children of today’s age are worth it.

Works Cited

The Story of My Life by Helen Keller
Changing Paradigms by Sir Ken Robinson
Kids Need Structure by Colin Powell
Dr. Montessori's Own Handbook by Maria Montessori
Good Citizenship: The Purpose of Education by Eleanor Roosevelt
Notes on the State of Virginia by Thomas Jefferson

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