Is Tribalism Still Relevant Today

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In recent history, the United States has never more divided in ideology. It seems everywhere you look there are people arguing. Recently, many conversations have been centered around politics. This is one of the first times millennials have taken the national stage about their opinions and with social media as it is, everyone has an opinion. This is a strong contrast to just ten years ago where millennials were still just kids and the decisions were made by the baby boomers. For most people, when it comes to the issues, most of them have highly individualized thoughts on each issue. For fiscal problems, the majority leans conservative because it’s logical that everyone wants money to support themselves and their families. For the older generations, …show more content…

In these early village tribes, there was constant war. The only reason for fighting was because of differences. If an outsider showed up, the first thought was, that is a threat. It didn’t matter what the outsider’s intentions were, they were seen as a threat to the known way of life. It was seen as predators were coming to destroy everything and everyone you hold dear. Fear of the unknown can cause drastic action form both sides involved. Though we are more civilized in the way we deal with conflict now, the basic idea still remains. Wars of opinions are raged all over the internet and no subject is more explosive, especially in the past three years, than politics. Unfortunately, the loudest and most damaging ideas get the most …show more content…

There is no exact solution because everyone is different. First and foremost, the media needs to move back towards the center. However, seeing the rise in popularity in the news media is due to opinion pieces a good alternative to changing the media would be to watch all of it. The more information you have from different outlets, the more well-rounded as a consumer you are. Social media can be a great tool for learning about different cultures and starting a dialog. The key is to have productive conversations with people who want to talk and avoid the trolls who disagree for the sake of disagreeing. When it comes to politics, the best way to combat tribalism is to put the right people in power. Ideally doing away with the two-party system should be the end game. This does not mean the end of political parties as we know it. Parties should be centered around issues and not affiliation. The two-party system is unique to the United States. There are examples of parties centered on the issues. The United Kingdom for example have their parliament full of different parties like the labor party and the green party. They also have their conservative and liberal parties but the dilution of the parties makes it so there is never a majority of one party. His causes the parties to have to work with each other rather than constantly fight and undermine each other. The best way to attack tribalism is through education. There will always

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