Is Technology Ruining Our Friendships?

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Is technology ruining your friendships? Technology is making our friendships pull apart. A teen usually spends about 44 hours a week in front of a computer screen or on a cell phone. With this being a true fact, I would say that technology is ruining our friendships and is making our friendships separate. People are starting to think our facebook, twitter, and Instagram friends are our real friendships. We need real friendships because we will lose our social skills and only have online friends that you really don’t know. One reason why I think screens are replacing friends people, mostly teens are spending way too much time online. Teens spend about 2,000 texts a month and spends 44 hours in front of a screen. Most of the time I spend online and probably most teens do is spent on social media, such as Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, and YouNow. Also teens are spending more time online than getting outside, hanging out with friends, and even spending time with family. This also means that we are replacing our real friends with our Facebook and Twitter friends. …show more content…

If someone has has 532 Facebook friends. Are these people he/shes real friends? Most likely not. Real friends are their for you when you need them, unless your social media friend can jump out of your phone and help you through a bad day or stand up for you, then they are not a real friend. I noticed that people are also always saying “I’m texting my friend from another school.” Then you ask them, “Where did you meet them?” Most of the time their answer is online. So they really don’t know them and they are calling this online person their

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