Is Modernization of Agriculture Really Helps Developing Country?

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Without food, man can live at most but a few weeks; without it, all other components of social justice are meaningless”(Borlaugh). Food is essential component for human being, but there is limitation of available food. Especially, in 1940s, population of global south increased tremendously. To be able to sustain food supply, the Green Revolution seems right policy to reduce starvation by allowing high yield production of crops. Even though the Green Revolution allows tremendous amount of production through technological and scientific innovation; it increases the inequality problem in rural area as a result of labor migration. In addition, it leads a higher debt rate for small farmers because of imbalance of earning and spending. Furthermore, it causes land degradation and soil nutrients depletion, so does not allow bio diversity. In short, the Modernization theory underestimates that the issue of inequality instead it heavily only focuses on economic growth through the adaptation of technology.
Scientific farming method allows high yield production of agriculture goods. An association between technology and agriculture sector rises. Agriculture industry is more integrated Jennifer Clapp, one of the writers of The Rise of a Global Industry, mentions, “The production methods that were developed, often referred to as the industrial agricultural model, involved heavy capital inputs and included the adoption of new varieties of hybrid seeds, chemical fertilizers, and pesticides, monocropping, infrastructure for irrigation, and mechanization for planning and harvesting”(26). These new types of scientific farming method and tool directly help to harvest more crops than before, so it leads agriculture surplus. Agriculture surplus is uni...

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...ortant for the Green Revolution to yield high volume of production. It seems rational that Rostwo argues from the Modernization theory, technological adaption and innovation is important for growth. However, the Green Revolution increases the inequality issue in rural area. As Rostow argues, “As society achieved… real income per head rose to a point where a large number of persons gained a command over consumption…the consumption fruits of a mature economy”(15). From the Green Revolution, it seems that adaption of technology and growth does not match to increase of consumption. Furthermore, both theories still depend on third world as adaption of technology and synthetic chemical. The Green Revolution represents more severe problem of growth as ecological disruption and social inequality. Therefore, the Modernization theory underestimates the scope of development.

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